- Data reveals a 50% loss in lung function between the ages of 30 and 70, which is considered a “normal" ageing effect.
- Those using their lungs in more extraordinary ways (horn players, opera singers, breath hold divers, etc.) appear to have less of an “ageing" effect"
- It might be concluded that certain lung activities reduce the loss of lung function that is assumed to be “normal” with aging.
- Aerobic endurance exercise, which benefits the heart and general fitness, does not adequately challenge the lungs with respect to breathing muscle strength, nor working the lungs to a full inspiration and a full expiration.
- Lung-specific“ exercise to strengthen both the inspiratory and expiratory breathing muscles, as well as, to work the lungs out of the comfort zone to the maximal inspiration and maximal expiration, may reduce the excessive but “normal ageing effect” of the lungs.”