The Ontario Aerobics Centre has launched the Harmonica Exercise for Lung Program, a lung rehabilitation and strengthening program and study.
Medical Harmonica HELP Program:
Diatonic Chord Medical Harmonica
Diatonic Chord Medical Harmonica
The purpose of this Program is to increase lung excursion in both inspiration and expiration, improve pulmonary functions and to document the changes in lung capacity and flow rates after a 6 month program of daily harmonica playing. As the only instrument that “makes music” with both blowing and drawing, there is a potential unique benefit to lung excursion and ultimately, to lung function. The team spent many months, with the help of harmonica experts from around the world, devising an effective ‘harmonica method’, which essentially involved rhythmic chordal playing.
The present methods of H.E.L.P. differ from standard harmonica teaching methods in that we are trying to develop the best pulmonary-enhancing techniques and exercises, somewhat at the expense of musicality. The traditional harmonica teaching methods did not achieve the pulmonary effects that we thought were optimal for our patient population. We have reached the next chapter in this exciting adventure with the unveiling of our new HarmonicaMD "Medical Harmonica"- the 'Schaman' and our newly developed methods that will provide a better blending of the pulmonary challenges with the sought after musicality that this instrument brings to the table.
The present methods of H.E.L.P. differ from standard harmonica teaching methods in that we are trying to develop the best pulmonary-enhancing techniques and exercises, somewhat at the expense of musicality. The traditional harmonica teaching methods did not achieve the pulmonary effects that we thought were optimal for our patient population. We have reached the next chapter in this exciting adventure with the unveiling of our new HarmonicaMD "Medical Harmonica"- the 'Schaman' and our newly developed methods that will provide a better blending of the pulmonary challenges with the sought after musicality that this instrument brings to the table.